Caring for your floors

You have spent the money and made a sound investment in hardwood floors. Your wise choice brings beauty and completes the aesthetic of the room. However, you need to ensure that your floors will maintain that elegance and assure the possibility of longevity. For the greatest return on your investment, you must commit to proper care now and in the future. Full Circle Flooring knows what it takes to maintain your floors. We recommend regular scheduled maintenance every 3-5 years to protect your floors against scratching and damage that can be caused by things such as having pets, children, shoes, furniture and dust.

Tips or keeping your floors looking newer longer:

  • Use area and throw rugs in high traffic areas
  • Use felt coasters under furniture legs
  • Sweep and dust regularly to remove abrasives that can cause scratching
  • Wipe up spills immediately so moisture doesn’t seep into floor boards
  • Do not drag furniture or appliances- these should be picked up and placed back down
  • Avoid wearing high heels on bare floors

Tips for cleaning your floors:

  • Do not use waxes, vinegar or oil based cleaners on floors. Doing so will leave a residue that will not allow polyurethane to pass through, ultimately reducing the shine on your floors
  • Avoid using a dirty or wet mop
  • Use a dry mop when possible for general cleaning